Wednesday 23 May 2012

Updates and Rambling

Finally, some sunshine! Don't see that very often in the UK.

Got a couple of things to report here today - the first is that I've officially finished my first year of uni!! Provided that I haven't failed my exams and won't need to retake any of them, that is. It's been the quickest academic year of my life. I've made friends, gained (a little) knowledge and finally gotten myself a job. It's not great money but it's more than I was getting before.
The second is that I have bought my Download ticket and all of the camping equipment I need! Excited!!
The third is that I get to come home soon and still be earning money - got a transfer from the pub I work at in Brum to the one near me in Haverhill. S'all good.

The house for next year is sorted, we now know all we need to know and I'm moving in on the 4th of August. So can't wait for that, living in halls is hell sometimes. The house will be kept clean and will never smell like my kitchen in the flat does now. Looking forward to buying rugs and mirrors and a cat-shaped toilet brush haha.

I'm currently going through some issues with my ex-boyfriend/now best friend. He's moving on, I'm struggling...simple stuff really but overcomplicated by circumstances. Just hoping it will all be sorted soon really.

Must dash, my lovely Elli's coming over and we're going to lunch soon and I'm not nearly ready!

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