Wednesday 23 May 2012

Updates and Rambling

Finally, some sunshine! Don't see that very often in the UK.

Got a couple of things to report here today - the first is that I've officially finished my first year of uni!! Provided that I haven't failed my exams and won't need to retake any of them, that is. It's been the quickest academic year of my life. I've made friends, gained (a little) knowledge and finally gotten myself a job. It's not great money but it's more than I was getting before.
The second is that I have bought my Download ticket and all of the camping equipment I need! Excited!!
The third is that I get to come home soon and still be earning money - got a transfer from the pub I work at in Brum to the one near me in Haverhill. S'all good.

The house for next year is sorted, we now know all we need to know and I'm moving in on the 4th of August. So can't wait for that, living in halls is hell sometimes. The house will be kept clean and will never smell like my kitchen in the flat does now. Looking forward to buying rugs and mirrors and a cat-shaped toilet brush haha.

I'm currently going through some issues with my ex-boyfriend/now best friend. He's moving on, I'm struggling...simple stuff really but overcomplicated by circumstances. Just hoping it will all be sorted soon really.

Must dash, my lovely Elli's coming over and we're going to lunch soon and I'm not nearly ready!

Friday 11 May 2012

My first meaningful blog

I have decided to write something meaningful on my blog, at least once a month. The topic for this month is gay marriage.

I am not posting this from any religious point of view. As many of you know, I am decidedly agnostic (as far as that is possible). But I found this and was so profoundly moved by this well-loved pastor's view on the Biblical opinion of homosexuality that I knew it had to be re-posted.

"At the heart of the claim that the Bible is clear "that homosexuality is forbidden by God" is poor biblical scholarship and a cultural bias read into the Bible. The Bible says nothing about "homosexuality" as an innate dimension of personality. Sexual orientation was not understood in biblical times. There are references in the Bible to same-gender sexual behavior, and all of them are undeniably negative. But what is condemned in these passages is the violence, idolatry and exploitation related to the behavior, not the same-gender nature of the behavior. There are references in the Bible to different-gender sexual behavior that are just as condemning for the same reasons. But no one claims that the condemnation is because the behavior was between a man and a woman.

There was no word in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek for "homosexual" or "homosexuality." These words were invented near the end of the 19th century when psychoanalysts began to discover and understand sexuality as an essential part of the human personality in all of its diversity. Consequently, it cannot be claimed that the Bible says anything at all about it. The writers of the Bible had neither the understanding of it nor the language for it.

There is only one reference to sexual behavior between women, and that is in Romans 1:26. The context of this reference has to do with Gentiles rejecting the true God to pursue false gods; i.e., idolatry. And, the sexual behavior described is orgiastic, not that of a loving, mutual, caring, committed relationship. What is condemned is the worship of false gods.

Sexuality is a wonderful gift from God. It is more than genital behavior. It's the way we embody and express ourselves in the world. But we cannot love another person intimately without embodying that love, without using our bodies to love. And that does involve genital behavior. Sexual love is for the purpose of giving and receiving pleasure with our most intimate partner. It is a means of deepening and strengthening the intimate union that exists. This can only be healthy and good if our behavior is consistent with who we are and with whom we love, and when we are true to our own sexuality and orientation.

In regard to marriage, it's important to remember that the Bible was written in a patriarchal culture that assumed men were in control and women were subject to them. Marriage was not an equal partnership, but a matter of a man owning a woman or women as property. Women provided men companionship, children and labor. Certainly, love between the man and woman or women could develop, but love was not the basis of marriage. Consequently, the biblical concept of marriage is not appropriate today. We no longer accept the inferiority of women and superiority of men. We no longer accept marriage to be a property transaction. The concept of marriage has evolved throughout history. Today, we understand it to be a voluntary spiritual relationship based on love, respect, mutuality and commitment. What really matters is the quality of the relationship, not the gender of the persons involved. And marriage is created not by religious ceremony or civil government. It is created by the persons involved who make their commitments to one another. Whether or not there is a religious ceremony to celebrate the marriage or marriage license to legalize it, the marriage two people make together in private is real and valid and should be honored as such. I hasten to add that marriage should never be understood as a requirement for two people in relationship. Intimate relationships must not always create a marriage commitment. Marriage is a lifelong commitment that not everyone is willing to make or should make. Being single in an intimate relationship is an honorable choice.

How do I view God's position on "homosexuality?" I believe lesbian, gay and bisexual people to be a part of God's wondrous creation, created to be just who they are, and completely loved and treasured by God. I believe God does not intend for any one to be alone but to live in companionship. And I believe God expects healthy loving relationships to include sexual love. The Bible doesn't say this, of course. But neither does it deny it. I believe this to be true not only because of the Bible's emphasis on the goodness of God's creation and the supreme value of love, but because of the greater understanding of human nature that we have available to us today. I do not believe that God intends us to live in the small world of ancient biblical culture, but rather in God's larger evolving world informed by science, reason and experience."

- Pastor Jimmy Creech

This concisely says that the Bible does not condemn a loving homosexual partnership within its pages. If you have cared enough to read this, I hope that you have felt enlightened and maybe your mind has opened if it was previously closed, or opened wider through further knowledge.

Support the rights of the individual. Support gay marriage.