Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Introduction - And First Practice :P

I've never written one of these things before, so apologies if it's incoherent or whatever :P

I'm Britainy, I'm a student in Birmingham, and I'm seventeen years old. Young for a uni student, right? Well, everyone always asks me the same flaming question when they learn my age - 'how come you're at uni so early?' And my response is always the same: 'I took my exams a year early.' Then, I get a varying range of replies, such as 'so you're really smart then?' or 'some kind of boffin, are you?'. No, not really. I just was given an opportunity and I worked it to my best advantage. No-one would call me an intellectual; many who know me well would say the exact opposite because truly, I can be such an idiot sometimes. I'm clumsy, loud and often moody, but it's nice to know that those who've stuck around appreciate me for what I am (or maybe they just can't get rid of me!).

Now, this blog doesn't really serve much of a purpose - it's mainly a way of getting my thoughts down on (virtual) paper and making sure I don't go insane, or at least that someone notices if I do.

The first topic I really wanna talk about is something that is particularly frustrating and upsetting. I am seventeen. None of my friends are seventeen. This means that I am unable to party with them in any establishment other than someone's house or flat, and it means I have found it incredibly difficult to land myself any kind of job. I'm not quite your typical starving student yet, and I have my wonderful dad Larry to thank for that, plus the support of my wonderful mum and dad Andy and my sister all the way at home, 130 miles away. I found it so hard to make friends at first because I had no real social outlets other than uni, which is a place where you don't get much time to talk to others. Then I had some issues with the people I was sharing a flat with and ended up moving out and starting over again in a different building with different people. This shook me a lot and I'm only really starting to settle now. I have my good friend Hannah, my friend and flatmate Tor, the two boys I'm living with next year along with Hannah, my lovely friend Nick and a few others who haven't quite given up on me yet.

And I truly think that in 45 days when I turn 18, the world is really going to open up for me.

Watch this space, anyone who's interested in hearing me rant about my as-yet-unusual student life, for I shall be posting more soon.

Ciao xxx

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